Are you spontaneous?

Are you a fan of spontaneity? I have to say I often make decisions to do things on the spur of the moment and find that as a result I have had some great adventures along the way.

My move to live in Ireland in 2001 was actually made on the back of a spontaneous weekend in Dublin in the February of that year, by the June my Vauxhall Astra was stacked full and I was on the ferry. When I arrived, I had nowhere to live so stayed in a Bed and Breakfast however I did have a job but at the time I knew no one!

Everything worked out though as within two weeks I had rented an apartment overlooking the sea, had settled into my new job and had made some new friends. That spontaneous move led me to settle into a lovely life in Ireland where I bought a house and stayed for over three years. I only moved back because I missed my family back here in Wales however, I am indeed looking forward to visiting the Emerald Isle soon for our belated honeymoon, can’t wait!

Recently following many conversations with a dear friend who hasn’t been too well in I decided to cheer her up by visiting her for lunch. Now I bet your thinking what is spontaneous about that, well the reason she lives in Cornwall (a mere 1.5 hours away) the decision meant that it fell into that bracket of spontaneity as yes while I can often be found lunching with friends I don’t usually jump in the car to travel over 130 miles to do so.

We had a fab day out, for those of you that are familiar with a new TV programme called, Beyond Paradise, we spent our time together strolling around the areas where they filmed the programme and even ate lunch in the gorgeous stone café that is a central point in the programme. I loved it, we strolled along the quay, popped into the local shops, bought a proper Cornish Pasty for my hubby and some saffron buns (if you haven’t tried them, they are delicious) for the family.

With the pandemic changing a lot of things around us ‘spontaneity’ was not so available however as my trip to Cornwall proved, I called it my holiday in a day, now things have opened again it is possible to just make decisions to embrace new adventures more often again and I for one will be doing so for sure.

As we head into 2024 I intend to carry out more spontaneous actions and I am excited for what indeed my next spontaneous decision will be, I will let you know when it comes to fruition!


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