What's the Rush?

A couple of weeks ago Awaken had a stand at the NEC Health and Well-Being Show. In pre-covid times I regularly had a stand at this event, but this was our first time back since 2020.

As we stood at the stand, we witnessed visitors literally running around, not stopping to look around at what well-being services were available for them but all blinkered and rushing to get to somewhere! We wondered where they could possibly be running too, after all they were in an exhibition hall, surely the whole point was to embrace what was around them and to take time to speak to those who had invested in being there to help them.

This rushing about is not sadly to say exclusive to them for I witness it on a regular basis. I see it with the employed, the self-employed, the un-employed and the retired, all needing to be somewhere else instead of in the moment.

Many years ago I was one of these people and I admit at times can feel myself heading back down that old familiar route (thankfully not often!), however today I have learnt from experience that it isn’t worth it.

When I see others working long hours, living their life on speed dial I want to shout, ‘STOP’,  I don’t even want them to slow down I literally mean I want them to  ‘STOP’.

The reason being is that if they (you) don’t stop life will throw something in your path to make you stop. When this happens, it is not usually a nice experience, the signs often appear but we don’t listen, pushing them away with abandonment.

If you take a look at the video on the home page here you will see the seven signs that developed for me over a period of time pre-burnout, these can often be subtle but they are a warning that you are moving too fast and you need to slow down.

Today I urge you to take a leaf out of my book, take time out to stop, to embrace the now and love the moment you are in. Look around you, go for a walk, read a book, do something to take yourself away from the speed at which you are living your life, long term your body and mind will thank you for it and you I can assure will be grateful for recognising the signs.


Do you take time to celebrate?


Life is Simple.