Are you playing small?

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living
— Nelson Mandela

Can you believe it is now 9 years since this great man passed, it was indeed on the 5th December 2013 the world lost this great man, behind him he has left behind a huge legacy and for those that have lived through his journey he has surely left us many inspirational lessons.

I have read many of his great quotes over years and recently came across this one again which for me says so much about why I do the work I do today. It is my sole aim and passion to help as many people as I can to live their life to its full potential.  We so often play small because playing small does indeed often mean playing ‘safe’, we allow fear and worry to batter our confidence and as a result we stick to what we know when our potential is so much greater.

How many people sit in within their comfort zone for that very reason, it is comfortable, it is safe and it holds for us security. I totally get this it is indeed understandable, however outside of that comfort zone lies excitement, often a sense of achievement and a reason to celebrate. If we look at the mass of reality shows on TV a number of them require celebrities to step out of their comfort zone and to do something new, I have never seen one of them ever interviewed say ‘I wish I hadn’t done that’.

This does not mean that we all have to strive to be celebrities who go to stay in the jungle or take to the dance floor, we do not need to become world leaders nor indeed millionaires however it does mean that we shouldn’t settle for second best because we believe there is no alternative.  We all have it within us to be the best that we can be for ourselves, to stand tall and be proud of who we are along with living the life we imagine. We should all now and again stop playing small, we should step outside of that comfort zone with confidence and a knowing that what lies on the other side could lift us in more ways that we know.

So, I urge you to look at your life, are you playing small, just settling in the safe zone or are you living the best life that you are capable of living?


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