Where do you hold your business meetings?

Friends on the beach

I have a business contact who lives near the beach, I have known this lovely lady for seven years however it is only in the last few months we decided to hold our business meet-ups on the beach.

I love being by the sea and have always found in my life that in spending time next to it my mind becomes clearer and more focused. When Hayley suggested we meet up at the beach I immediately jumped at the idea and discovered a whole new way of having meetings.

Yesterday as no note-taking was required, we decided to walk and talk instead, four or six miles later depending on whose phone you looked at, we spent time sharing business ideas, what at this present time was keeping us busy and how we were looking to move forward in the coming months.

It was refreshing, empowering, enlightening and indeed a great way to get clarity around our plans.

It got me thinking how many of us have as business owners stuck to what we believe to be the norm in holding meetings in offices, coffee shops or hotel foyers when outside actually holds more answers to those burning questions we hold inside.

I used to live by the sea but in hindsight, the countryside for me holds a better place to reside however re-igniting with the seaside certainly made me want to do it more and therefore enjoy the best of both worlds.

Stepping out of the norm in life and business is a great way to re-ignite passion, motivation and focus so give it a try for your next meeting. Choose somewhere different, I bet like me you will be inspired and come away with a whole new burst of energy.

Thank you Hayley for the suggestion and if you want to know more about Hayley’s fantastic work around mental health check out her website here.


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