Does determination hold the answer?

Over the years as obstacles have come my way, as they do for everyone, I found myself dealing with them all a little differently however underpinning the how is always a dogged determination to conquer whatever it is that has shown itself in my life.

I have to say sometimes this dogged determination seems to disappear into the midst of uncertainty, it is at these times I doubt whether this time I have the strength, willpower, belief and energy to deal with whatever the situation is. I stumble at times thinking I will ever find my footing again and it is at these times I do several things that over time assist me to gain back the determination to succeed, I hope by sharing them they will help others who also may be feeling a little lost at times seemingly fighting an uphill struggle.

Number one, I accept how I am feeling and know that in time this too shall pass. Secondly is to always talk to others about how I am feeling, the warmth, support and care they share helps to carry me through. Secondly, I accept how I am feeling and know that in time this too shall pass; thirdly, I check out my diet, am I eating the good foods that will help me build my energy back up; fourth I drink more water, fifth I head outside, I walk, I move more and I absorb the energy of nature around me; sixth I start to journal my thoughts and my gratitude list (daily), getting them both out on paper sure stops my mind from chasing, and helps me to recognise all the good that I have in my life to be grateful for; lastly, most importantly I take time out to rest in order to practice plenty of self-care.

Now the list above isn’t conclusive, and I am sure you have your own ways and actions that you take to get yourself back up however these are the ones that work for me and I know work for others that have too been facing struggles.

I know that when things seem insurmountable it is hard to take action however if each day, we do one thing towards turning things around those days of repetitive action turn into weeks and then into months. It isn’t always easy as many times when we go about turning things around, we find ourselves hitting brick walls, it is then we need keep going, one step at a time, tune into that dogged determination and willpower that in the end will get you to your desired result which ultimately is conquering whatever obstacle life has thrown your way.

So, next time you get thrown a curved ball, start by accepting it and go from there, the rest from my list will in time help you to settle back down again in the knowledge you have taken back your control and are doing all you can to stabilize yourself along the rollercoaster of life.


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