How can a small pet teach you such a big lesson?

Seven years ago our adorable rabbit Bonbon came into our life, from day one he showed us so much love and in turn we loved him. He was a garden rabbit, who would only go into his hutch at night, he would greet you every time you went through the gate by running around your legs (apparently when a rabbit does this it is a sign of love and affection), he would sit with you when you sat in the garden and his energy was positive and kind.

On Friday Bonbon left us, it was sudden and it has hit us as a family hard. The house, let alone the garden feels different without his energy, it certainly feels like a light has for the moment been dimmed.

Since Friday it has really made me think about the Maya Angelou quote,

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Now Bonbon obviously didn’t speak but it was what he did when he choose to come and sit with you or run around your legs, it was how he made you feel when his presence helped with anxious moments and it is for these times he will indeed be missed and never be forgotten.

So in life I urge you to think about this, it isn’t always what you say and at times people will forget what you do but take a lesson from our small pet who I have to say has left a huge footprint on all our hearts, people will never forget how you made them feel.

Be that person for others.


What does well-being mean to you?


Bev, Mark Wright and a Sharpie