What does well-being mean to you?

The Collins English Dictionary states that well-being is as below:

the condition of being contentedhealthy, or successful contested

All of which have their own connotations for each of us, we are after all individuals. Each one of us will have a different vision of contentment, some are content on their own, some are only content when in a relationship, some content as part of a small group some love large crowds which in turn brings them contentment.

Good health is of course something we all want for ourselves and others but what indeed is attributed to being successful and is it the same for all. Here again I believe each of us have different needs and actually maybe different needs at different times of our lives.

Many years ago, I believed that my wellbeing was led by being top of my career, the amount of money I earnt, the materialistic items I had in my life, now I realise that whilst these may have temporarily bought me short term happiness, they actually didn’t feed my health in the sense of my well-being.

Was I content, no I was anxious, was I filled with energy, no I was tired, was I successful, on paper yes in life no!

Life was often a struggle; I was often cash rich and time poor yet rarely the other way around. I earnt a good salary, yet I spent equally as much as I earnt so while I was rich month on month, I never used it wisely.

Over the years I have discovered the importance of life / work balance, I have discovered that it is fine to just be and not continually strive to reach the ‘next level’, that riches don’t lie in cash amounts and that contentment is living with a satisfied mind. I know that success is within not what is without and that learning to be mindful of the now is all it takes to feed my well-being.

This of course is what well-being means to me. Take time to work out what well-being means for you, take steps towards it and be at peace with whatever choices you make, if wherever you are and whatever you are doing doesn’t bring you contentment, health and success (as you see it)  then change it.

Taking care of your well-being will mean your well-being will take care of you!


Hold on a little Tighter…


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